R.I.P Talia Joy Castellano :(


Hey guys
Today I got home from school and a terrible tragedy happened that was at the top of my Facebook newsfeed. Unfortunately, a young teenager girl who was battling two types of cancer had lost the battle at 11:22am today. She meant so much to me.
R.I.P Talia Joy Castellano. You were such an inspiration for me and your videos always kept me going. It feels so weird knowing you won't be there anymore, like a huge hole has been made in my heart. You were a huge part of my life and will always keep you in my heart and promise to never let you go. I'll continue to keep praying for you&I hope you rest in peace forever. You are now among angels, right where you belong. Every time I'm down you're there saying 'Just Keep Swimming' and I'll always keep you there:) thank you for teaching me to be strong& to make the most of life, I love you:) I promise to do what you always did, and that is to kick the heck out of life's obstacles no matter how tough they are! I LOVE YOU :( I never thought I'd ever care for someone whom I've never met but I have, it's like I know you and you have become a HUGE part of my life! I wish I could've met you ❤❤❤❤  :'( #prayfortalia
Please pray for Talia, our angel, she is a true inspiration and it doesn't matter if she isn't down on earth with us anymore, still keep praying.

Thank You for reading

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- Mel