
29th December 2012-lunch at The Ritz!


Hey guys!
I am very sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, I've had a very busy couple of days!!
Last year on the 29th of December,me, mum, nan and auntie went over to London for lunch, tea and cake at The Ritz! It was such a lovely experience and I enjoyed it very much!
As it was just after Christmas, it was the perfect time of the year to go as it was just filled with decorations!<3
So of course I took lots of pictures, so today's blog is going to be just all the pictures I took whilst there!!

Sandwiches and cake! I love the way they do this<3 very posh;)
Chocolate... mmmm<3

Love their chandelier!

Look at the size of their Christmas tree!!

Lovely Christmas decorations outside<3
Pretty fireplace!
From the left
Me, nan, auntie&mum

Me! Standing in The Ritz :O
Thank you for reading my blog, <3
Hope you're all okay and if you need to talk to someone I'm always here<3 
either email me-melissa555@hotmail.co.uk
Whichever you prefer<3
Love to you all!

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Thank you for reading my blog, let me know what you thought if you would like to. I will reply as soon as I can :)
- Mel