
Winter makeup tutorial

Hello beauties! I hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas and Father Christmas bought you everything you wanted :) Today I thought I'd show you the makeup look that I wore on Christmas Day and Boxing Day as I really liked it and hope that you do aswell! Here is the look in which I am doing a step by step...

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Hey guys! Today I thought I would talk to you about something I've never really spoken to you about before which is really strange because it's something that I cannot live without! That topic is dance <3 I have danced since about 11 years old and honestly love it so much! I do ballet, tap, modern/jazz, contemporary and street! I am also currently...

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Hey guys! Today I am writing a post explaining about something very exciting which is called the #2014bloggerchallenge. If you click on the image I have placed at the top of this post it will take you to everything you need to know. But I will tell you here aswell :) Okay, it is basically a challenge in which Gaby will give you...

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#BritishBloggerSelection Week 5: Skincare

Hey guys! Wow I've missed out on alot of weeks for this tag, didn't realize I'd be so busy!  I'm currently applying for different places to do dance when I leave school.. It's so stressful and nerve-racking!!! Anyway, this week is all about skincare, so this is what I use :) I use the Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Firstly, I start with Step 1;...

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New York

Hey guys! Very exciting news to share with you today... I went to NEW YORK!! It was amazing.. Honestly words cannot describe how much I loved it! I went with my family and if it wasn't with them I don't think it would've been as fun! The bigger the better they say ;) So instead of you reading and giving yourself a headache,...

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